Friday, October 31, 2008

Part of My Future Plan

College life should be interesting right?

I don't think so...sigh

Feeling like wanted to give up edi....really bored to face the bad outcomes anymore

Maybe I have chosen the wrong selection before I approached myself to this course

Sometimes I really don't know what I am struggling seems like pointless

Seriously no impact for me to accelerate further...

I think I need to give myself a final chance...

If the consequence in the end of semester is unacceptable, I will like to say "Goodbye, HELP!!!"

Is time for me to make this choice...

Although I have sense of regret on picking this course....

But I gained something which are priceless for me...

There are my friends and people I recognized...

And also the incidents that I had experienced no matter there were happy or sad...

I will never ever forget every single "thinky"....

Those memories brought me lots of joy...(grinned foolishly while typing this)

Be confess, I hope that everything can go smoothly in this semester (quite hard lo~)...

"Fact is cruel"

Lastly, all the best to my buddies and friends around me :)

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